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Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The hills are alive with the sound of music

I'm super excited today. I'm as excited as a girl who knows she's going to have her cherry popped tonight after Prom.  Ok, not really. I don't think that girl is excited at all.

Point being, Brazil plays this afternoon!  I woke up in such a good mood that I had the coffee made and Pão na Chapa (small french bread pan fried in butter) finished before any requests were even made. 

I am planning to take my boys to the good park that is a 15 minute walk from my house. They need to play and run and climb.  I need to tire these little men out so that they'll play inside later without complaining.

I also have food to make.  We have friends coming over! I love having friends over!  It's the best of both worlds. I get to socialize with other adults who's company I enjoy while my kids are in their own environment.  At home I know where my little climber can get into trouble and my big sassy one can entertain himself.  .

So I baked my Brazilian M&M cookies (made with yellow and green M&Ms) last night. I had to wait until last minute or there wouldn't be any left. I think we've already managed to eat a third of them this morning.  The carrots and celery are washed and cut, ready for the veggie platter which will also include cherry tomatoes.  My maid who comes on Mondays made some Brazilian pudding which is basically the same thing as Mexican flan.  That leaves the cake, popcorn, and stromboli to be made.  I would explain what stromboli is but it's my first time making it so I really don't know how it is or how it'll turn out. I'm hopeful though.  Anything with pepporoni and cheese will at least be eatable.  And last but not least, Pão de queso.

Oh wow, I need to go. I think I smell my youngest's diaper from the other room.  Seriously.  I'm in the dining room and he's in the playroom. I'm almost afraid to go in.  Oh well, let's get this party started!


  1. Sounds awesome! I, on the other hand, just came in today from the USA where it seems nobody even knows what a World Cup is or that it has started already. Not even on the very day the US played did I hear a word about it (not even mentioning all the honr and screms and yells). But the second I put my feet at the airport gate from where my place was departing in Orlando, the Delta employees and most of the passengers were Brazilian and the employee guy was wearing our national shirt and yelling HEXA at the microphone. Then we realized there was going to be a game today and now we're back into this world where people stop working and leave early from school to watch games, dressing yellow and green and screaming and cheering. No need to mention the minute my daughter walked inside her grandma's house, she got an official uniform taylored for her size to wear during the game. Needless to say, also, she's super duper cute in it!
