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Monday, June 7, 2010

I love Brazil

I love Brazil!  It's the only country I know of that let's its people take a half day off work to watch Brazil play in the world cup.

Starting next Tuesday, my husband will be able to come home to watch the 3:30pm Brazil game.  Woo Hoo!  I absolutely love the fact that the Brazilian government and many Brazilian companies support the watching of their team.  People are encouraged to go out and celebrate with family and friends, drink beer, eat, and cheer on Brazil. For those who can't leave work, it's common practice for the company to bring in a tv and everyone stops work for the game.

Let's hope Brazil delivers! 

Of course it's only for Brazil games.  It's just be crazy to take off for every game. Not even Brazilians are that carefree.

I hope to make my home a center for games with snacks, drinks, and a huge tv. Already have the tv, just have to make the snacks.  Hell, I may even keep my son home from school... that is if his school isn't already closed on those days.  My son's school loves any excuse to close.  Even the British school of Rio is closed on Brazil game days. Note to self, check with the school office.


  1. I read your subject "I love Brazil" and had to post a comment since it irritated me since today is my "I hate Brazil day" ,for a moment I even wished Brazil will loose all the games and get kicked out on the first round!! I found out today at Policia Federal that my visa papers went to Brasília stating that we weren't interviewed and I wasn't located at the residence I informed them (the agent payed the visit and since I wasn't home he left a note to go to the station and we went and were interviewed). And due to that my visa application was DENIED. Meaning: I have to wait for them to publish it at the official journal and then start everything basically from zero. We almost ripped the guy into pieces that attended us. And as usual, he said he doesn't know anything since everything is administrated from Brasília. That city should be bombed.
    I'm coming to the conclusion it is easier to stay illegal in this country I so hate so much, today.

  2. Fair enough. It's my fault for not saying, I love Brazil minus the federal police and everyone else involved in immigration paperwork. That is a much truer statement!

    I can't believe they did that to you! They never even showed up to interview me at our place. We had the interview at the federal police. It did take a year for my card to travel from Brasilia to Rio. I think it came by camel.

    Screw it all and get a lawyer to do it for you this time! I can see if I know anyone in that area.
