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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

6 Best-Kept Secrets in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

I found this post about the 6 best kept secrets in Rio.

1. Samba Schools throughout the year
2. The Maze
3. Ice Cream
4. Rio's Surf Bus
5. Plano B
6. Rock climbing

I have to disagree with number 1. Everyone knows that the samba schools practice year round. It's one of the first tours/organized trips any hotel/hostel will try to take you on.

I agree with The Maze but am shocked with how much press it's getting these days. I've been meaning to go for years, literally years. It's actually quite close to where I live. I really have to get going before it gets ruined with all this press.

The ice cream does rock. I hear there's an amazing new ice cream place next to the Sofitel in Copacabana.

Surf bus??

I totally agree with the rock climbing. There are a lot of amazing places to climb! You an also go on eco tours here. Look it up. I think it's a great alternative to the normal Rio de Janeiro tours.

Check out the original link:
6 Best-Kept Secrets in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

It's goes into much more detail.

I would love to hear what all of you think is a Rio de Janeiro best kept secret! I've heard that many people think Niteroi is one.


  1. I love having breakfast at Parque Lage or at Confeitaria Colombo at Forte de Copacabana, see the sun set eating a big ice cream at Arpoador and clap when it does, have a beer in Praia Bela Restaurant in Urca (most beautiful view...) or at a kiosk in Lagoa, tea at Casa de Cultura Julieta de Serpa, BG, having a taste of every fruit sold at the feira for brunch. Oh, I dont know, so many things.
    Side notes: None of that is a secret...
    what the heck is the maze? Have I been gone that long? and surf bus??? I know the spinning class bus, but that sounds pretty lame to me.

  2. Rachel,

    I think this is a great thing to do in Rio:

  3. Thais,

    Love having breakfast or lunch at the forte in Copa! Just remember people, you aren't there for the service. They are slow. Parque Lage is amazing too! Bring mosquito repellent. I haven't done the other 3. Now on my list!

    The Maze is the jazz place in the morro near my apartment. The safe one.

    I've also heard about the spinning class bus. Super weird. Yes people, you spin on stationary bikes in a bus with tinted windows as you drive up and down the beaches.

    Ray, Love this idea!

  4. I think the Vista Chinesa is an amazing view that doesn't get enough attention. Ray - too funny on that link, we also like Capitan Don!!! He's awesome.
