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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Where to ride in Rio de Janeiro

Here's a feel good post + Rio de Janeiro tip for all you out there.

There's nothing better than riding your bike in Aterro. Continue riding down all of Praia Flamengo and Praia Botafogo. The daring can maneuver the tunnel and head into Copacabana, Ipanema, and Leblon.

I just took my youngest on this ride. Not the long one down to Leblon. This Momma is far too out of shape to do that at this point.  Plus the tunnels scare me. I won't walk through them, much less ride with my kid basically sitting on my handlebars (in a seat).

We rode over to Aterro from our apartment and continued down all of Praia Flamengo and then back. It wasn't a long ride but it was a good one.

The view is amazing. Walking, running, cycling, crawling, or even skipping, Aterro is the place to do it.  The view of sugarloaf on a sunny day will take away any Rio de Janeiro woes you have.

My favorite thing to do when I hate this city, which happens sometimes, is to run in Aterro. I don't get to do it often but I don't hate that city that often either.

Rio de Janeiro can get to a foreigner sometimes. Hell, it can get to a Carioca.  It could be bureaucracy drama, condominium problems, family problems, or something as simple as traffic.  I've gotten pissed when the grocery store didn't have one box of milk. Seriously, the delivery guy hadn't come and there was absolutely no regular milk. I had to buy powered. It was ridiculous.  Add that to no sleep and an already cranky Rachel and you have I hate Rio de Janeiro.

A quick run and it's better. You can't help but feel lucky to live here running past that view!

The beach also works. Actually, the beach works so well that Cariocas have a saying about it.

"There's nothing a good day at the beach can't cure"

I have to say, I do agree

What do you do to make yourself fall in love with Rio de Janeiro all over again?

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