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Monday, August 16, 2010

Cold Front Hits Rio de Janeiro

Before everyone gets on their high global warming horse let me qualify that statement.  It's a Rio de Janeiro cold front. That means it's 19 degrees C and 66 degrees F.

Yes people, that is cold down here. That's FREAKING cold down here! For starters, homes are not made for cold. I swear, my apartment breaths.  It does. It takes in air from the outside and exhales it into the apartment.   

And I am loving it!  Really!  We get so much warm and even more sun, this is my moment for chills. This is the one time I can dress my boys in the really cute clothes I brought from the states. You know, the preppy polos, cargo pants, and sweaters, etc.  Hell, in the summer, they hardly even wear clothes short of undies. 

Plus I can wear my beloved jeans every single day.  I'm a jeans girl living in Rio de Janeiro and this is the only time I get to dust them off and bust them out!

It's time to enjoy every single moment of our month of "cold".  We have taken out socks, blankets, long sleeved jammies and jammie pants.  We have tea on, are making soup, and eating warm cookies.  I am drinking red wine, taking scolding hot showers, and traded my haviannas in for converse. 

Hello Winter, it's been too long


  1. Woke up to 12*C in the bedroom this morning. If you'd like a wintery winter, come on up for a visit, LOL. We're over in the neighboring state, a bit north of Sao Paulo city.

    It is freaking cold. Pulled out extra blankets for everyone, and am wearing my boots today. LOVE being able to rock the boots. HATE needing blankets to cuddle up in during the day IN MY HOUSE and having to outside in the sun to warm up.

  2. I've been wearing a hoodie while sitting at the computer. However, it is often warmer outside than it is in our apartment. We have to remind ourselves that the chill is no reason to stay inside!

    The cold mornings are a great excuse to put some pão de queijo com gelada in the oven.

  3. We had pão de queso for breakfast too!
