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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

De Montão is my hero

We spotted each other from across Lojas Americanas. It was love at first sight.  I approached, I am quite the instigator, and informed them that I was going to take them home!

De Montão!  Holy crap! It's my savor in this sea of mediocre junk food and tiny portions!  I know, Brazil has amazing food, all quite healthy. Why do you need chips? 

First of all, this isn't chips! This is a package containing not 1, but 3 types of chips! Doritos, Ruffles, and Baconzitos (bacon flavored pork rinds).  I've been dreaming of this moment since childhood. Of course, I didn't choose Baconzitos, it was pretzels, but it'll suffice.  I used to open 3 separate bags of chips, which my Mother must have loved, and mixed them up to make chip sandwiches. 

Now I don't have to. And there's enough fat in the small bag to satisfy this girl!  I can't help it. My stomach needs crap. I can only eat so much healthy food without getting a stomach ache.  I'm American for heaven's sake, a glorified Mutt. And this Mutt needs her trash! 

So I bought it and brought it home.  Oh my goodness, it was better than I imagined! And I'm not a huge fan of baconzitos but you really can't go wrong when you mix them with Doritos. 

I know it's sad. I dedicated an entire post to junk food.  What can I say, you can take the girl out of the trailer but you can't take the trailer out of the girl. 


  1. My husband and I are moving to Rio in October (we're from Argentina, but have been living in Vancouver, Canada, for 5 years)
    I've been reading your blog for a while and I wanted to thank you, as you provide a lot of useful information!!! (maybe not this post in partciular, this one just really made me laugh)
    Thanks again!

  2. which makes me wonder, once again, how the heck you manage to be so skinny?

  3. Thanks Anonymous!

    Thais, I don't know either and I just thank God daily ;) Btw, we're eating fries and nuggets for dinner

  4. I agree that food in brazil is generally much less processed...and I do get a major attack for some of my favorite comfort foods (crazycorn, sunchips, and big globs of just about any dip)...

    Where was I? Oh, fruits here are simply scrumptious and you can't go wrong with rice and beans...but whether much of the diet is healthier I still question. Compared to my experience in the midwest of the US, brazilians deep fry/ pan fry a lot more, boil primarily root veggies to oblivion and the consumption of white carbs, salt and sugar in our diet here are significantly higher. However, I will never be able to convince my in-laws that my American diet was healthy as it certainly must have consisted solely of fried eggs, pancakes, hamburgers and pizza.

  5. i love baconzitos!! I like ruffles and I dont like doritos :)
