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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Blogger Meme

I´m still a blog newbie at this point but have been tagged in a meme game. I had to look up what the hell that was.  Apparently, we bloggers play games with each other.  Online play date! 

So I was tagged by Another Suburban Mom , who I must say is more than that.  I found the blog interesting, with everyday recipes, interesting topics, and some quite sassy posts if I do say so myself.

The game is simple. You go to your follower list, (or blog roll if you are not set up for followers) and pick the 5th person on the list. Link to their blog if they have one and hit up their 5th follower or blog on the blog roll. The game is over when you hit five blogs. If the person does not have a blog roll or followers go with their 5th commenter or the 1st commenter on the 5th post.

So the 5th blog on my blog roll is Qualidade de Vida .  Speaking of Sass.  This is written by a fellow ex-Pat from California.  Funny guy, makes great comments, and has yet to have me over for Mexican food! 

From there I`ve stumbled upon Caipirinha Appreciation Society but didn´t find a 5th blog so I went back to Qaulidade de Vida and went to the comments on his latest post.

That´s where I found the 5th post and it was Musing on the Move . Another ex-Pat in Brazil, the Reader (as she refers to herself) has posts about a variety of subjects. She loves photography, birds, and her boys to name a few things. She is also a great source of information about homeschooling.  I give her props for that! I still look forward to sending my boys to school in the afternoon and getting a little break!

The Reader´s 5th blog on the blog reel was Ginger´s Flowers .  I don´t know why I find that name a smidgen dirty.  It´s not. I think I just may need some alone time with Hubby who just got back from a 9 day trip.  Anywho, great photos!  No, not of hubby but not a bad idea.  Ginger´s Flowers has great pics from in and around Rio.  Pretty good stuff.

From there, I 5 blogged myself over to Give us this Day our Daily mango .  Another Mommy ex-Pat blogger gives her account of life in Brazil. This crew is set up in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. I haven´t been there yet but it´s on my list.  I had a hard time finding a 5th blog so I headed back to Ginger´s Flowers and found...

The Butler and Bagman Chronicles Interesting. I will have to go back to that one and spend a little more time looking around. 

So there´s the game.  Bloggers, TAG you´re IT!


  1. Hilarious! okay, I'll try and play along, since you were so kind as to tag me and such. Have to say, LOVE your blog. Also, my hubby reads yours as well, so if you get more than one hit from my area in a day (do you check your stats??), that's why. He finds you hilarious. So do I. Keep up the Rantings!

  2. Thanks for playing along. I love your blog too. Brazil looks gorgeous!
