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Friday, September 17, 2010

Call out to Residents of Rio de Janeiro!

Just imagine homeless people, flown in from all over the world, competing in soccer.  Talk about good cheer, life experience, and new viewpoints all in one.    

So here it is, we have a unique opportunity to help at an even more unique event.  The Homeless World Cup in Copacabana is allowing more volunteers! 

For those of you who are interested, please email Catriona ASAP! 

Please no random emails.  Catriona is working hard putting things together.  But for those who are truly interested in a great story making adventure, please contact her.  And let her know Rachel sent you. 

For more information, please check out the original site: The Homeless World Cup

Here´s a sample of their view:

People now just take homelessness for granted. Homeless people simply become part of the landscape and really become invisible. Everyone become blasé; “well, the homeless are the homeless and they are just there”.   Except they are people – they are human beings – they are people who happen to be homeless with different names, different ages, different ages, different clothes, different sex, different personalities and so on...

We simply use football as a way of getting homeless people to come together to begin to take responsibility for the next step in their lives. We have created a global football stage where we have simply changed the landscape around homeless people and then they change as a result. It is simple. It is magic. It is working. Thousands of homeless people have changed their lives forever as a result of being involved...

So, as it appears, they also have a mission. I think this is one to support, if I do say so myself.

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