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Thursday, September 23, 2010

First day of spring and my big boy is 4!

Four years ago today I waddled into the public hospital and had my oldest! 

He was 42 weeks late. Thank goodness the hospital got a great shot of the penis during the ultrasound because all Brazilian women over the age of 50 were insisting he was girl. Only girls are late. 

Come to think of it, happened with my youngest too. He had his legs crossed for the first 6 months.  This time almost all Brazilian women insisted that Rafa was a girl because girls are modest, not boys. 

Apparently I have effeminate boys.  Maybe that´s why my oldest learned how to put the toilet seat down after use so easily...

Anyway, Happy birthday to my boy! (even if you can´t read this). 


  1. 42 weeks late? That must of hurt! But he is a cutey, must take after his grandfather.

  2. rachel! Times goes by so fast! Remember we´re all pregnants (Tide was here too)... Now they´re walking, talking, questioning our rules... Soon they will be grown ups!... Congrats to Luka! Hope Frederico and him can be close friends, like Gustavo and Daniel. Kisses!
