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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mmmm Pancake Recipe

There came a day when I had to stop having family and friends pack Bisquick boxes and learn to make pancakes from scratch.  Now, I still felt the need to bring baking powder. While I had started a phase of "learning to cook in Brazil" as opposed to pretending I didn´t, I just didn´t want to deal with this one. Plus, one Costco trip and you have yourself a lifetime supply. By the way, I think it´s the royal red fermento down here. That´d be my guess.

Anyway,  Danielle asked me for my pumpkin pancake recipe.  Here it goes:

You need:

1 cup flour
1 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda 
2 tbsp oil
3 tbsp sugar
1 cup milk
1 egg
1/2 tsp salt
 Piece of pumpkin cut into small pieces

Boil your pumpkin until soft.  Drain and mash well.  I like to add a little bit of brown sugar when it´s warm. 

Mix together dry pancake ingredients.  Mix in egg, milk, and oil.  Mix well.  Add in mashed pumpkin.  Mix well.  


And Enjoy.  


  1. So I found baking soda here, but where did you find baking powder?

  2. Those pancakes sound great. I usually just make ordinary ones, but pumpkin sounds like a great filler.

    Baking powder is ferrmento em pó - either Royal or Oether are the popular brands. It is usually in the aisle with the cake mixes. Baking soda is bicarbonato and is in the aisle with the spices. Baking powder loses some of its levening powers after a while, so better to buy local than bring from the US. Plus, that leaves more space in your suitcase for chili powder, corn meal and peanut butter.

  3. I buy my cornmeal here. It´s called Fuba.But chili powder is a def bring from home item. I´ve also seen skippy in Rio but it´s so expensive.

    I do think it´s time to get rid of my brick of baking powder. I think it´s 2 years old already. It still seems to work. Maybe the humidity keeps it going ;)

  4. When I make pancakes (usually banana) I always make a few extra, let them cool, then freeze them for future breakfasts. I stack the cooled pancakes with a paper towel separating each, then slip into a large ziplock bag - squishing out the extra air.

    Then when Luiz wants me to cook breakfast and I don't feel like it I remind him of the frozen pancakes. He heats them in the George Foreman grill. Super easy.

    Thanks for the recipe.

  5. pancakes in freezer. Great tip!

  6. I started making my own pancakes from scratch in an effort to avoid going to Costco. I can't walk out of there without spending at least $150. Your pumpkin recipe looks delicious. I can't wait to try it! I'll do anything to get Emma to eat squash. :)

  7. I buy the normal pumpkin. Super helpful, I know. lol

    I don´t know what the outside looks like because I always buy a portion, not the whole thing. They cut the pumpkins into 3rds or 4ths and I buy one of those. Any pumpkin will do. They are all sweet. It´s called abobora in Portuguese.

    Where are you going on Vaca?

    Hen House - I totally hear you about Costco, although I´d almost give up one of my boys to get one in Rio! Actually, maybe just my husband lol. Emma will eat it up. I call them orange pancakes. And you are just in time for Halloween.

  8. Thanks so much for the recipe. I need all the help I can get with cooking in general!

  9. So glad you linked this! Have just exhausted the last box of mix we brought over. Will give this a go for sure!

  10. Rachel I´m gonna try your pumpkin pankace someday soon. Looks delicious :) But I´d like the recipe to the pankaces you made here too :)
