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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What would you do for a dishwasher?

A fellow expat and Mommy blogger, Stay at Home Babe, got me thinking about dishes. Hell, life got me thinking about dishes. Living in Rio de Janeiro means I do not have a dishwasher, not even the human one.  Well, I can't lie, I do have a maid twice a week who absorbs my dish washing and other household duties.  I love my Mondays and Thursdays and I love my maid!

Anyway, there are two things that take a lot of my time and energy.  One, as you have obviously guessed, is washing dishes.  The other is...

Who am I kidding?  I have a huge list! I'm a mother of 2 kids under 5 and I don't have the typical daily or live in help.  I dream of pimping my house.  Screw date nights, nice clothes, and jewelry.  I want appliances!  I want a dishwasher, dryer, water heater (not these damn gas ones!), central air, and a garbage disposal... oh that last one got me a little hot just thinking about it. 

I think I've come up with a reasonable argument for buying these items. It's one I think my husband will relate to on a personal level.  If I should get them, I will be so happy and have so much more free time that he'll probably get laid daily for several months.  Hell, I'll make it a year and throw in twice weekly nooners.  Oh yes, we're talking sexual bribery. Is there any other kind in a marriage?

What appliances would you sleep with your husband/partner/live-in to get?


  1. I want very expensive stylish Italian coffeemaker.

  2. a snowcone maker and a laundry doubt.

  3. A clothes dryer and hot water in the kitchen. I'm so tired of heating up water in the microwave to clean the really dirty dishes. It's funny about the garbage disposal issue...I have lived so long without one that I don't think twice about throwing away left over food into the trash. When I go back to the US to visit I get a lot of laughs throwing my food away in the trash...oh how we adapt.

  4. Honestly, I have not thought of a garbage disposal for three years. But hot water on tap!? - THAT I would put out for.

    You know, the last time I visited Zezinho in Rocinha we went to a rooftop to get an overview of the place. On the way up the apartment building stairs we passed an open porch WITH A CLOTHES DRYER!! I thought: wait a minute. Where am I? What's up with this?

    Hot water. Definitely hot water...

  5. I feel like an ass. I had the option to put in hot water in the kitchen since we re-did our kitchen. Of course, that meant buying yet another hot water heater, since the bathroom has it's own. The extra R$ of buying the water heater turned me off. Then it was suggested to move the bathroom water heater into the area, buy a bigger one, and get hot water in the kitchen. The extra money, 6 more weeks of remodeling (and more money again) turned me off. In retrospect, it was the perfect time to do it and I should have.

  6. We plan to move to Brazil in the near (somewhat) future, and my conditions are that I have a dryer, GOOD washer, dishwasher, garbage dsiposal and hot water (not the kind of heater that attaches to the shower head and electricutes you). These are all things that my in-laws don't have, and I hate it! The only thing I don't mind when I visit is the lack of dryer, since my mother-in-law does the laundry and ironing.

  7. I have lived in several apartments here, but we have only had one that had hot water at every fawcet. Oh, that was such a nice apartment! We too will be redoing our kitchen in the coming months and I have yet to spring this issue on my husband, it's not just the cost, but also the vent/exhaust issue that you need to set-up. Anyhow, he can't understand why hot water is SO important in the kitchen, because his hands do not touch the dishes! Here's to hot water in 2011 = )

  8. I would love a dishwasher and dryer too! Currently I'm the dishwasher and the clothes dry outside on the line, which I'm all about because it's good for the environment, blah blah blah, but I would love to feel warm from the dryer jeans and towels again! :-)

  9. I would LOVE to have a dryer because I'm sick of damp towels already, or having to wait for the rain to stop for a couple of days so the maid can hang the clothes on the line outside. A garbage disposal would be nice, but since we're in a house I now have a garden going and use the food scraps as compost so that's a non-issue now. Hmmm... hot or even just warm water at every faucet would be nice. No more ice cold water to wash my face in the morning.... joy!
