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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Who are You?

Inspired by US weekly and The Little Hen House, I decided to write a little getting to know me post.

25 Things You Don't Know About Me:

1. I hate getting pedicures but I do it anyway because I have horribly ugly feet.
2. I could eat Pizza morning, noon, and night but my body does not let me.
3. I love Spinach and avocado. Even better together.(Don't forget the salt!)
4. I'm a hopeless romantic but am easy to impress.  A combo my husband adores.
5. I love red wine.
6. Red wine pairs very well with cigarettes. That is a battle I will forever fight.
7. I've always wanted to be a dancer but seriously lack any sort of rhythm.
8. I have a lot of guilty pleasure music on my ipod.
9. I've always wanted to be a Mother.
10. Getting a comment on my blog makes me very happy. Even if it's a negative one.
11. I'm really looking forward to the golden years. My 60s are going to rock!
12. I wish I had a pet turtle.
13. I'm addicted to gossip magazines, and now after Brazil, any magazine at all.
14. I'm an avid book reader, when my children allow me to be.
15. Learning Portuguese was/is one of the hardest things I've ever done/am doing.
16. Moving to Brazil was the best decision I've ever made in terms of my personal life.
17. On the other hand, if I think about it too much, it kills me to raise my boys away from my family.
18. I make some mean cookies!
19. I crave alone time. 
20. Working out is my greatest stress reliever.
21. Sex comes in at a close second.
22. I want to live in Europe one day.
23. My husband and I researched car tripping to Rio de Janeiro from San Diego. I plan to do it one day.
24. I love me some good bad 80s movies
25.I enjoy doing laundry. Somehow I feel accomplished each and every time.

What don't I know about you?


  1. Rachel,

    Love your list, nice to know you better!
    Let's talk about that trip between Rio and California, it has been an old dream of ours, maybe we can set up a combo of travelers to protect ourselves along the way...


  2. Thanks, Danielle, I will definitely check it out!

  3. Perhaps you and Alexandre will want to join us when we actually do it :)

  4. Let's see... I can relate to numbers 5, 10, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24 & 25 !

  5. Anita, my sister from another Mr! lol

    Danielle, thanks for the link! I'm excited to check it out!

    Gil and Ray, you guys on are. I'll let you know when we are available ;)

  6. I love your list! I was an avid reader of US Magazine before moving to Paris and was just thinking today about how I wanted to update the about page on my blog with a "25 Things You Don't Know about Me" list. Such a great idea!

  7. I used to love red wine and cigarettes... it was like food to me. Now I'm happy to report, I only love red wine. And one day, when you are ready, you will only love red wine too :-)

    Oh, and I love me some gossip mags! But at this point, any magazine I can find in english makes me do a happy dance!
