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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The whitest little Brazilian ever born...

My youngest baby is turning 2 years old tomorrow. The whitest little Brazilian ever born...

First off, he made me put on a TON of weight. His little hands reached out of my Vag and put the snacks right into my mouth. It was a little awkward at first but I felt he was doing it in his best interest.

As it turns out, it was not for him. Shocking, not just to you but to me too, I gained a plump 22 kilos (45lbs) and he wasn't a 5 kilos (11lbs) baby as my head told me he would be.  Weird, I think it may have been my ass, using my fetus' phone, requesting the food. Go figure.

So he popped out at a healthy 3.68 kilos (8.1lbs).  Blond hair, blue eyes, and type O, thank goodness we had already settled maternity pre-birth.  It looked as if my husband and Mother had fathered a child, using my uterus of course. Kind of creepy, but he's cute enough to pull it off.

Now the feisty little man is turning two.

Oh and is he feisty. He uses facial expressions his Father could never get away with. He melts my heart with his little swagger.  And hell hath no furry like this boy making drama.

Before kids, you never knew such a strong personality fit into something the size of a shoe box.  And after, you can't remember how life existed before them.

Baby Sass, you can make me smile in the middle of the night after waking up 3 times in a row.  Your snuggles could defrost even the crankiest of Mommy hearts. And your spirit, well, I'm afraid that may be capable of moving walls.  

I never quite know what you'll do next and I love it. You add 25 lbs of spontaneity, feist, and love to my life.

To the happiest and smiliest little man a Mommy could ask for, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


  1. Happy Birthday to Him! Sweet post!!

  2. awwww...I love it!
    Man, they grow up so daughter just turned 12 today! sniff, sniff.
    I remember when she was 2 like it was yesterday I swear to you!

  3. He's adorable! Happy birthday to your baby!
