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Friday, February 11, 2011

Happy 60th Bithday Dad!

Today is my Dad's 60th Birthday and that is something that makes me miss being at home.

So Dad, since I'm not there with you on your birthday, I wanted to share some of the memories of you that I carry around with me.

* I loved the videos you sent while on cruise.  Dad would talk to us and give us a tour of his little bunk. Our drawings and picturs were always up on his wall and it gave us a glimpse at his daily life.

* It was awesome getting our own postcards from where you went!  Dad always sent one to each of his little spawns.

* Cruising around in the Opal was always a good time. I really thought I was going to get that car, even though I was 6. In Dad's defense, he had to sell it before my oldest brother turned 16.  That brother has a taste for speed and they thought he'd end up dying in it.  Poor Dad, I swear he shed a tear watching it drive away.

* Candy at the supermarket. Dad always let me pick a candy bar when he had to stop for something at the store.

* Pool Mondays. When Dad was in town, he'd take all of us to free swim at the pool on Mondays. We could each invite a friend.  This automatically made our Dad one of the coolest.

* Dad always came to all my track meets.  He'd show up and be the only guy in a suit.  It was awesome!

* When I took zero period Junior year of High School, Dad used to drive me to class before he left for work. We always took a detour to Starbucks before we both started our early day.

* Dad scared the crap out of my first date. Thankfully, I am at the point where I can laugh about it now. He pulled the total military 'Son, what are your intentions with my daughter.' Not to mention, he taught our Rotti to snarl on command. My date happened to be scared of dogs. That was our first and last date.

* Dad is lucky I have a sense of humor because while displaying said snarl to my second date, our Rotti jumped up and bit the head off of the rose he had brought me. It was hilarious. Of course not to him.  Poor guy looked so deflated standing at the door with a broken rose!

Daddy this is just a small example of the memories I have. You've always been the man in my life that I could run to with anything.  You've supported me regardless of agreeing with me. And you've always been there to get me out of trouble if I need it.  I love you and am so happy that I get to call you my Dad!

Happy Birthday 60th Birthday!


  1. He did try to scare me off, not really scare me, more like pull a prank...

    It was when we met for the first time and I tapped his shoulder after shaking his hand. His reply:

    - "Don´t touch me"

    Classic. I have to say the talk I had with him about asking Rachel´s hand in marriage was much lighter, he went pretty easy on me seeing that I had no job, no house, no car, no papers....

    Happy BDay Jim!! You are a great guy and the best company for a car ride, endless amount of good stories.

  2. Glad to know the son in law feels welcome. Blessings to all of you.

  3. Daniel charmed the pants off all the men in my family. Not literally. ;)

  4. Good memories except for that first date. You were really piissed and you let me know. And all the Rotti did was smile at the guy.

    As for Daniel I thought he was ok. He's a keeper. He'll never be as good as me but he's a close second.

    I love you,

  5. LOVE THIS! My dad turns 60 this year and I am going to steal your idea and do the same! Cheers to great Dads.... they make better daughters =)
