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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Low Carb no Sugar = No Fun

I have a couple of Brazilian friends doing the low carb no sugar diet.  They are on a  plan that lasts a couple of months, keeping track of inches as opposed to pounds. It sounds all well and good. A manageable way to lose a couple of those lingering, unwanted holiday added increments to your diameter.

Of course, I have an issue with willpower. I am not one to use it regularly when it comes to food.  While I'm not as bad in Brazil as I am at home in the states, but there are a few special items that make this diet impossible for me.

Rio de Janeiro is like a big pitcher full of fresh squeezed juices. They are everywhere, they are tasty, they are cheap, and I like them.  Just imagine 95 degree weather and a freshly made mango juice. How am I going to give that bad boy up?!  Let's not forget watermelon juice, orange juice, papaya juice, and real purple grape juice made on demand.

Then there's the fresh baked french bread. It calls to me like a lady of the night in Lapa. I can't resist.  It's beautiful, fulfilling, and a decent price.  Put a little queijo minas on top and I'm in sugar/carb heaven.

Then there are the novelty items. I don't eat these on a daily basis but if I get the opportunity, and have a couple of Reais in my pocket, they are all mine.  These special treats are esfihas, pastels, churro with dolce de leite, and popcorn. After writing, this I may just have to get a sample of each and every one.

Of course, it's about balance.  If you balance correctly in Rio de Janeiro, you can have a very healthy diet. Sure, it'll be full of carbs, salt, sugar, garlic, onion, and oil but that's not so bad.

So congrats to those who can follow these diets! And to those who can't, have a juice on me!


  1. exactly, everything is balance. i think the word diet is ridiculous, unless it is a full-time for the rest of your life change in eating habbit to make you healthier or to deal with a disease (olike diabetes). if you limit something for a while, the second you go back on it boom! screwed. no sugar is ridiculous. and no carb is sad. i have a gluten intolerance and i have to say it is so hard to miss out on all the really popular foods here (even harder when i lived in Paris 4 years ago), i would love to have a pastel. it always makes me mad to see people choose to not eat something that i cant have. BUT at least there is ice cream! i just came back from a 7 mile run, maybe it's only 8am but i think it's time for ice cream! where's the guy with his horn...

    and i love juice. i even did a piece (photography) on juices for runners in a women's running magazine in SP. just ask for low sugar, they are good for you! better than beer anyway! :)

  2. Oh how I ate the bread when I was there! I rarely eat white bread at home but in Rio, I ate fresh baked bread every day and before my two weeks were up, I was quite "doughy" around the middle-LOL

    This time, I am going to use will power to make sure I don't bring back an extra 5-10 pounds.
    At least I hope I don't..
