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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Giveaway Update

I have been checking in on the comments for my Giveaway and I am STOKED on the response! I love that everyone loves Havaianas as much as I do. Who am I kidding, is there anything better than free ones?! I don't think so.

There's still time to enter! I will be entering entries into a randomizer the 13th (ideally. I'm on Brazilian time so that may mean the 14th). The goal is to have the winner announced the 15th of March, contacted, and get the goodie mailed out that same week. Let's give a gold star for planned efficiency!

There are currently 142 entries!! If you've yet to take part, check out the rules and enter at: Rachel's Havaiana giveaway! 

1 comment:

  1. From the looks of that photo you should through in a pedicure and some moisturizer!!
