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Monday, March 21, 2011

Meet a Carioca Monday

My new friend André

I'm starting a new trend for Monday posts here on Rachel's Rantings in Rio.  It's Meet a Carioca Monday. I will be introducing you to a new Carioca (Rio de Janeiro local) each and every Monday, when I remember.

Each Monday guest will answer one simple question.  It's like playing the getting to know you game only with far more people and over a long, drawn out period of time. Yay for you!

Today we will meet André. He's the serious man above.

André sells bread from his bike. Oh yes, you heard me right. People buy bread from a dude on a bike.

Anyway, very nice man who was completely confused when I approached him, barely understood my fabulous Portuguese, and still said yes to asking a question. Got to love Brazilian hospitality!

His question: What do you love most about Rio de Janeiro?

His answer: Pão de Açúcar. (Sugarloaf for the English speaking crowd)

 The blushing beauty in all her glory

Got to love a man who loves the view of his city! Of course he could have chosen the beach, the ladies, the beer, weather, or anything else. But no, he loves the beautiful natural landscape.

Not saying anything but that makes me think he was a bit confused. That and the weird expression and long drawn out silences.

Regardless, great answer!

Now all I need to do is find a Portuguese teacher before next Monday.

** Thank you to my wonderful blogger friend at for this great idea!


  1. Interview a parking mafia guy and ask him why he feels entitled to cash in exchange for him not screwing up your car.

  2. Love this idea too! Also would be interesting to know if the people you interview are from other parts of Brasil originally or if they are Cariocas.

  3. Love it. You are too much.

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