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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pasta Brain and Arguing with My Husband

Got in an argument with Mr. Rant today. I hate arguing with him.

And of course I'm a woman so my brain works like a bowl of pasta. We start bickering about one thing and I bring something up from a week ago. Not fair, I know, but you've seen bowls of pasta! Everything is all tangled together. I can't help it, it's biology.

So we start in on how inconvenient my toe breakage is for him. To be fair, that is my interpretation of it. That then goes to certain people who shall remain nameless, how the morning diaper belongs in the trash not on the table, and how he can't tell me anything.

In my defense, if it is dropped on you that your account is 1,000 in the red, you will be a little shocked and/or ask a lot of questions.  But that was months ago and my reaction was justified.  Give a girl some notice! Today we are R$1.50 in the red and so on in increments of R$10.

In his defense, how annoying is it to bitch about how clumsy your wife is to only have her complain about how your Mother has yet to go see your son play soccer. Related? Of course not. Again, bowl of pasta and I have no control over it!

I know what you are thinking, Brazilians are passionate and argumentative people. They like a good back and forth. Not Mr. Rant. He's not so into that kind of reaction. He likes smooth and calm, no waves rocking the family boat.  The problem is that I'm not a canoe, I'm a diesel speedboat cerca way too clunky to be on the water. I make waves by walking, aka broken toe.

Add in lack of sleep, stress from work, stress from parenthood, and no date night. We have to have some pretty good humor, which my household rarely lacks. This morning was one of those rare mornings.  Giggles were low and Sass was WAY high.

Ah well, free English lesson in how to bitch at your spouse for the neighbors.

As for Mr. Rant, once I drive you crazy, you'll have an easier time relating to me. I love you!


  1. It's funny my husband's family is a like a sudden tornado when arguing comes out of no where. But for him and I. He wants sweet romance and passion to be the only existing element in our lives.

    Arguing can be good (my husband disagrees but it CAN). As long as it is not destructive or dangerous. Then that is definitely not good. Sometimes after a good up roar Ricardo and I are better than ever. I think it gets people thinking about the mistakes they made.

  2. Luiz goes from 0 to 60 in about two seconds. But when he's finished, he turns the page and it's all sweetness and light.

    It has taken some getting used to, but now I know to allow for the vocal explosion and wait for the kisses and hugs.

    [wrap the toe]

  3. I, too, suffer from a horrible case of pasta brain and it never fails to completely infuriate my husband (even more, usually). No it isn't fair, but with the number of arguments we've had in our time together, don't you think he'd come to realize what he's in for in having an argument? I feel your pain. And your broken toe. Wrap it up.

  4. i guess it's not so much pasta brain--the things that slip out during a fight slip out for a reason, you are still thinking about them and they still make you mad! at least that's how i justify it when i do it. I get mad only in explosions that need about 5 things to build on, but then it is for sure a neighbor show. doesn't happen very often, and i always forget what they were about (except for helping me clean, that one will always be there)get some tea, put on a slipper for your toe. it will all be alright :)

  5. Two hot blooded Italian/Brazilians here, need I say more? :)

  6. I had no idea there was a name (pasta brain) for my arguing style! Good to know. I wonder if that would make my *Italian* husband more sympathetic whenever I "mess up" our fights.

  7. I have to say that Mr. Rant is a good sport about the whole thing. Thank goodness!

    And went to get the toe wrapped and they booted me. That's what I get.

  8. Get yourself a mute which grew up as an orphan so to avoid these things.

    No sign language allowed.

  9. A boot for Carnaval? That stinks.

  10. My husband is the pasta brain with an added annoying quality; he'll remember past stuff, but when I don't he says I have no proof to support my claims. I keep thinking I'm going to write it all down so I can bring it up when he needs evidence - then again, I don't think it'd be healthy to keep scores like that!

  11. great idea dear i will follow your instruction.

  12. what beautiful idea dear i love this and try it.

  13. It has taken some getting used to, but now I know to allow for the vocal explosion and wait for the kisses and hugs.
