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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Play time


  1. Looks like "Waiting for daddy to get home"

  2. Aww. Sweet photo.

  3. Actually, they were driving cars on the windowsill... for like an hour!

  4. I was watching and trying to keep them from having matchbox cars fall on people´s head... but it was cute

  5. Ouch! Yes, That would hurt, I had those as a kid in Brazil, they were heavy and had sharp edges...

  6. Seria melhor se pudesse ser sem tantas grades e do lado de fora, né?

    Raising kids in Europe is so much easier...and safe...

  7. We have the netting and the can only be next to it when the window is closed.

    As for the windowsill, it is marble and would hurt like a bitch. I doubt they'd bump into it again ;))

    It's true though, some of the windows in buildings here scare me. A friend of mine has windows that open out! A kid could totally fall from the 11th floor!
