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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

10 Reasons Why any Woman Would be Jealous of Kate Middleton

Apparently Brazil has Royal Wedding fever just like everyone else. While roaming the internet, I stumbled upon their article As 10 razões para qualquer mulher invejar Kate Middleton.

I was curious as to what a Brazilian publication deemed the best qualities of Great Britain's future Princess Kate. I translated it for your reading pleasure:

10. She comes for a well off family. (while it's understood that she is a commoner, she is so very much not poor)
9. She is simply beautiful.
8. She is discrete and kind.
7. She dresses like few people know how. (Got to love a future princess with style)
6. She has her own Barbie. (I am personally jealous of this one)
5. Her love story was turned into a movie.
4. She received Diana's engagement ring. (While beautiful, I don't know if this is necessarily a good thing...)
3. She has the approval of the Queen. (I bet Camilla knows how hard that was)
2. She has all that it takes to be the Queen of Great Britain. (Apparently the majority of Brits are on Team William so she just may be the next lady in charge)
1. She's going to marry a real prince.

Prince William, you seem to have yourself a keeper there. Personally, I was very pleased with the Kate Middleton engagement news. This is a shocker seeing that I am 1. American and 2. live in Brazil not England. But still, what girl doesn't like to see a commoner like herself marry a prince.

Actually, after once again referring to the above list, I am nothing like Kate Middleton. Well, aside from the discrete and kind part. Yes discrete! I'm sure it'd be the first word you'd use to describe me, followed by delusional of course.

Anyway, there you have it. Brazil is just yet another country in love with Kate.  I am curious to see if the
extravaganza of the Prince William and Kate Middleton wedding will make headlines here too.

So what do you think of the future Princess of Great Britain? Will you be watching the wedding? Do you care at all?

Check out the Veja Article Here. It is in Portuguese but you can still look at the pictures.


  1. I'm not one to care much about how the owning class goes about their privilege...

    I remember watching Pricess Di get married to her frog of a prince. I was sitting in a laundro-mat in British Columbia trying to get the two week stench out of my hiking socks.

    My attention was split...

  2. Yeah. I can see how that could happen. My issue is with the length. It takes FOREVER!

  3. It seems that the whole royal marrying a commoner bit only goes in one direction: the male royal marrying a female commoner.
    How about us awesome male commoners? Must we be relegated to be used as boy toys by the likes of the Grimaldi sisters from Monaco?
    I for one would like to be married to a princess, be exempt from all taxes, plus take extravagant trips to third world countries so to condescendingly look down on the natives.

  4. Forever to finish a royal wedding or forever to get the socks to smell fresh again? hahaha
