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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! I'm heading out to the country for a long weekend and will be, gasp, cut off from the internet.

I just wanted to wish you all a great Easter, or long weekend if Easter is not your thing.

Here's a picture of my boys showing off their traditional Brazilian chocolate egg from their Vovô (Portuguese for Grandpa). Thank goodness it's hollow because even that way it's way too much freaking chocolate!

Enjoy your friends, family, and please brush your teeth!



  1. Have fun! Happy Easter!

  2. Muito legal teu blog! o Encontrei por meio de um site sobre estrangeiros que moram no Brasil, já ri muito com teus post! São divertidos e engraçados =P Tenha um bom feriado, e todo amor que houver nessa vida pra você e pra sua familia =)

  3. Happy Easter Rachel,

    We used to love those hollow eggs because they each had different surprises hidden in the middle ;)
    I miss those delicious Brazilian Chocolate Easter eggs, made with real sugar, no corn syrup in those babies, the taste difference is clear... :)

  4. Happy Easter to all of you as well!

    Plugadão, Glad you found and like my blog! :D
