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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Photos of the Northeast of Brazil

Mr Rant and I pulled out some old photos this morning. In the stack was the pictures from our trip to the Northeast of Brazil in 2005.

It was fun to relive those free and relaxing days before stability became important. We spent 3 weeks traveling from Natal to Porto de Galinhas. We took a plane, buses, paid for a ride from a random dude, walked (a lot), and even managed to get a ride on a couple of makeshift rafts.

It was an amazing trip and I highly recommend that you all fit traveling up there into your life at one point or another. Without further ado, some highlights of our trip:


  1. it was exactly that, great memories and an old fashion camera :)

  2. Eu sou da Paraíba, e já visitei as praias do Rio Grande do Norte e Pernambuco, é muito lindo e conservado! vale muito à pena vir aqui no nordeste, e se você gosta de coisas 'exóticas' e quer 'uma diversão mais elevada', você tem que ir a praia de nudismo de Tambabá, em João Pessoa, é muito libertador lá! Você realmente entra em contato com a natureza, Vale à pena conferir

  3. Se um dia você visitar novamente o nordeste e quiser conhecer a praia:

  4. Check out the Abs! ;p
    lovely pics
