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Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Blog Contest

If you are a reader of my blog, my follower on Twitter, or a fan of my Facebook page (especially this one) you have seen that I am in the running for something.

I was contacted by Circle of Moms and was told that I was nominated as one of the Top 25 Mom expat bloggers. Score!

Here's the thing, it's a popularity contest. Oh they get you every time with those. I used to shy away from these as a teen as I feared rejection. Ok, it was more like I got rejection when I ran so I avoided it! I was a lucky girl, I had great friend but I just didn't sell myself well. I blame awkward height, a clumsy demeanor, and weirdly ranging hormones. Yes, I was a special teen!

But not anymore baby! And I love my blog. There, I said it. I love blogging, I absolutely adore the readers I have, and I think your comments are normally funnier than what I wrote in the first place. That's exactly what I look for in virtual company.

So when you look at that little Circle of Moms button at the top of my page, it's a real and serious thing. It goes until June 6th and you can vote daily. DAILY! Every day with your coffee you can throw your good virtual friend Rachel a line.

What do I get is what most people ask. I was told that "The Top 25 will be featured on one of our most popular pages and exposed through our social media channels." Apparently they have about 6 million active members. That's not light stuff right there.

Basically, I just wanted to let you know why I'm harassing you. There is a reason. I'm not completely crazy... well, it can't be proven anyway.

The link is: Make Rachel a Top Expat Mom Blog! You can vote daily. Once a day with your morning coffee or evening wine or even after your nooner.

And Thank You All for throwing this girl a bone! If you'd like to throw some more I have my jazz hands up and am ready to catch!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Rachel,

    It shows that you love blogging, you have interesting subjects daily, you are super funny and free spirited and your writting style is awesome. It feels like we know each other since kindergarten.
    Like Gil said yesterday, you are more Brazilian than you know!! ;)
    We love your Blog!!!
    Voted from home PC, work PC and could't get my freaking Blackberry to open the page and let me vote, but I am visiting the site twice a day from each computer... :) and I am pestering Gil to do the same!
    Just voted again, 219, Woot, woot!!!
    (Madrinha vai ganhar)!!! ;)



  3. Sure thing! Good luck. (drinking coffee and pressing button now...)

  4. Ray, you are Gil are so sweet! You have now made me blush :) Thanks for all the voting, support, and effort! Rock stars

    Born- Thank you too! Voting and coffee do go well together. I'm going to do it now :)

  5. I'm hitting that vote button baby!
