Advertising and Public Relations

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rio de Janeiro Street Art?

I've been seeing this on trees all over my neighborhood. What do you think, is it art or not?

Personally, I like it! 


  1. Definitely art. I think I would like it in small doses.

  2. I've already seen it on 3 trees. Let's see how crazy they get with it

  3. Leaving a little of the theme of the post, Rachel as an American, what do you think of Osama bin Laden is finally dead? Type watched on television, watched the Americans have a party in front of the White House, and to you, what do you think?

  4. Definitely art! Maybe they are starting a trend like the colorful cows! :)

  5. I noticed those too when we were in your neighborhood. I thought they were like a sign that indicated the location of the right garage or driveway (used to see that sort of thing on dark country roads in Michigan).

  6. Really Jim? I didn't know the people of Michigan were so creative ;)

    Plugadão- I'm not on the big American boat right now. I see the need to avenge the tragic deaths of many many people. I get that. I do not see how this is something to be celebrated so greatly. I doubt that it will impact that group. I believe it was a political move for reelection. Now Obama has a great reason to pull troops out. That will get him a huge following right there. Amazing how this happened right after his birth certificate was released and such. It's a political game.

    And I have an issue doing a huge dance over someone's death. I get that he wasn't a good person but he was a person none-the-less. How does us celebrating his death make us any better than him celebrating ours?

  7. Rachel concordo contigo, sua opinião é a mesma que a minha, você realmente é uma pessoa com uma visão boa e coerente das coisas
