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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Children's Capoeira

In case you guys are wondering, what does it Capoeira practice with a bunch of 4 year olds look like?

My little Chatter Box is in there somewhere. Maybe it's a Mom thing but I find it freaking adorable!

Don't forget to vote! It's the last two days of the contest!


  1. Sweet--looks like some of my music classes. Pure chaos.

  2. It looks like a great way to make them burn all their energy and sleep well when they get home!

  3. Que bom que você esta mostrando o melhor da cultura brasileira a teus filhos! Existem tantas coisas 'difíceis'' no Brasil, que as vezes mostrar o lado bom é tudo o que resta. Você parece ser uma excelente mãe! =)
