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Monday, June 20, 2011

Norway, the Friend Maker

I have been such a bad little blogger. I know I posted Friday and this morning, but I have about 2 or 3 other posts waiting to be worked out.

The thing is, Norway makes really good people and I am lucky to say that I have a Norwegian friend. Turns out, my Norwegian friend is in town for a couple of days. That is why I feel like I am neglecting you. Actually, more like half-assed paying attention to you.

I couldn't tell you which is worse...

So here it is, my friend is here. I missed her. We are hanging out. The only reason why I'm writing is because she ran over to the gas station, we're classy like that, to buy another bottle of white wine while I put the kiddos to bed. 

Therefore, if we are opening a second bottle of wine, there is a good possibility I will not be posting here until early to late afternoon. You all know how that is.

So here's to meeting up with old friends from far away! If anything, it helps you figure out geography.

*My friend informed me that the picture is not in Norwegian. 


  1. It all sounds like a lot of fun!
    Enjoy your Norwegian friend and the white wine!
    We will be here when you get back ;)


  2. Hope you enjoy your gas station wine. I love spending time with friends, so I'm a little jealous. Hmm. Maybe I'll go see my Scottish friend tomorrow? There's a gas station on the way.

  3. No excuses necessary! Have a fantastic time with your friend, soak up every second! x
