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Friday, July 29, 2011

Rachel and the Electric Kettle

Bear and the Kettle having a Moment

One visit my Mom brought me an electric kettle as a gift. She had mentioned it, very excitedly, before she arrived. I was going to love it, or that's what she told me!

Personally I had thought 'what the hell kind of gift is that?!' Of all things you could bring me from the US you are bringing me an electric kettle?! Sure, it was great for Mom as she drinks as much tea as about 3 Brits a day. Myself, I just boil water for cooking. I would have preferred an electric kettle sized amount of licorice, thank you very much.

Of course I wasn't going to tell her that. She had already bought it. Hell, at least Mom would be using it when she was here visiting. So when she arrived I unpacked it and plugged it in. It was cute to say the least and was much more practical for boiling water for coffee. Yes, I had to boil my own water for coffee since, at the time, I didn't use a coffee maker. We made coffee the Brazilian way (aka. impractically and inefficiently).

But just as the tides my opinion changed. I'm totally sold now! Seriously! I use that bad boy daily. I don't even boil water on the stove anymore. 1 minute and I have my boiled water for steaming veggies or cooking pasta! Hell, I even boil my water in it before making Brazilian rice. It takes at least 15 minutes off the cooking time!

I love that kettle so much that I'm blogging about it without even getting a free one! My question is though, how did Mother know I would fall for it? Is it because it's just that good or because I have already turned into her and will not admit it to myself? And if the latter is true, does the fact that Mr Rants has stayed with me make him a kinky bastard?

As for you people out there in Internet land, what is the one unlikely appliance you have fallen in love with?


  1. brought the licorice too...and remember the baths for Luka when we didn't have gas for hot water...Bear should be hugging that kettle!

  2. well. i used to be in love with the electric kettle. i had at least 3 different models in college. i probably drink enough tea to rival your mum (heh) but didnt bring one to brazil. why? no counter space! i brought a toaster though, mini food processor and a stove top kettle from Macy's. the kettle is surprisingly fast! i think because of the lid (hate the brazilian milk boiling pots). but it's not the same as my old electric. the one thing in my kitchen that i am in Love (deeply) with is not an appliance but a pizza stone. i bought it here at tok & stok (only 50!) and i actually TAKE it with me when i go to dinner parties that i'm cooking at. seriously. GET one. they make everything taste better ;)

  3. I am in love with my crock-pot! So easy to make a roast. The only hard part is finding a contra-file that has enough fat on it to cook well. Not to mention all the soups I love to make! I am thinking of buying a bigger and newer one for myself this christmas :)

  4. Looks like me and Mr. Rant have something in common: We have fetishes for women who have fetishes that revolve around electric kettles.

    But seriously, momma knows best! (Don't tell my mom I said that.)

  5. I got attached to my brother's electric kettle on my last visit and got one myself. I love it! But hands down my favorite and most useful appliance is my Kitchen Aid mixer. And I get the added extra of weightlifting as I haul that bad boy on and off the top of the frig where I store it.

  6. I love my electric kettle, too, ever since I was introduced to it by my British roomie when we were living in Turkey as ESL teachers in 2000. But my Brasilian husband introduced me to the pressure cooker when were living in the USA...and I LOVE it! Three of my friends started using one, too. We made beans (of course) mashed potatoes, humus...and more- in no time flat.

  7. Rachel,

    We have a GE Water Cooler that puts out "instant" boiling water, as well as chilled water. It is the appliance we use the most in the kitchen and I couldn't live without one. I paid U$150,00 at Sam's Club and it's worth every dime. We use it to speed up all the cooking and you can also use it for instant soups and tea. It sure make our New England winters much more cozy.
    The second unlikely appliance we LOVE is our "hands free" trash can. It has a sensor on the lid and it opens up automatically when you aproach it...HOW GREAT IS THAT? How many times you have both hands busy when you get to the trash can, and we use the hell out of it. We are on our 2nd one. We also bought it at Sam's Club, the automatica trash can was U$45,00, it uses 4 Large D batteries that usually less for a couple of years. Our first one lasted 4 years and died. We bought a second one and have had it for 3 years, couldn't live without one. :)


  8. Seriously Ray - an automatic trash can?! Honey... you have not lived in Brazil for a LONG time! Never, never are you going to find this thing in a Brazilian kitchen. hahahaha!

    I'm with Corinne - my Kitchen Aid is the star of my vast electric kitchen appliance collection. I recently got a meat grinder attachment for it and have LOVED the added function. Next one up is the pasta rolling attachment.

    automatic garbage can... you know you don't live in the USA when mention of such a contraption hits you off guard. Here it would probably by R$375. (I love you Ray, you know that.)

  9. Hey Jim,

    My brother bought my parents one exactly like mine when he saw ours at our house.
    They are not that expensive anymore.
    It's no big deal really. It's just a regular trash can with a plastic lead that opens with a sensor and it's battery powered.
    They cost U$45,00 at the Sam's in the US and my brother boutht it at the Sam's Club in Sao Paulo for a little over U$100,00.
    I highly recommend it. It is one of the most used appliance in our house, right after our water cooler. ;)


  10. I am deepest love with my Rocket Grill - I don't really know anyone else who has it, except one of my best friends, John (But I bought it for him for his birthday, so...) Anyway it is like a toaster but for food - it makes the best grilled cheese EVER!!! It even puts these little grill marks on your food (it makes me think my food is actually healthier than it really is) and the best part about it is you cook your food in these wax envelopes then throw it away - no plates to wash, no mess!!!

  11. As you're probably aware of, brazilians don't really do electric kettles. I had never seen one before arriving in the UK. I used to think, "what's wrong with these people, what's wrong with boiling water in a pot? Do I really need this thing?" I'm totally like you now - can't live without it. I can boil water in a heartbeat, and without having to dig a pot out and washing it afterwards. I use it for everything now.

    Apart from that I really like my deep fat fryer (i know, evil me!) and the steamer (see, I can do healthy, too... occasionaly).

  12. I agree- those automatic trash cans rock!

  13. My Mom brought one for my MIL. My MIL was like, gee thanks (a gift that plugs into the wall...)

    Fast forward 3 days later and it was true love. My MIL ADORES it!

    As for these automatic trash cans, seriously?! I break normal ones. I might as well just use money to light the burners on my stove ;)

  14. Rachel,

    I think it's harder to break these because you never have to touch them. Once you get an Automatic trash can, you will never live without one again. ;)


  15. I have just arrived in Rio and as there is no cooker in the an electric kettle thinks I....BIG problem...they don't seem to have even HEARD of them here...not one store visited so far has them.
    One Thirty Tea Deprived Brit....
