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Friday, August 19, 2011

Top Expat Mom Blog!

Do you all remember that Circle of Moms contest I was in. You know, the one that motivated me to harass the crap out of you to vote every day?

Well, it's FINALLY out and I placed third!! Thank you all for your support!

Here is the link: Top 25 Expat Blogs. I made the first page and there's a little interview too.

I really do appreciate your support and your tolerance. You got to see the truly annoying side of me and I know that it's not that pretty. Although it can be charming, or at least that is what I keep telling myself.

Lastly, you'll have to excuse the photo. I was going to be all classy and put the Circle of Moms logo or something but it's Hot Brazilians for your Friday!  Best to stick with the theme and just give you more hot Brazilians!

And thanks again to Circle of Moms and everyone who supported/dealt with me. You guys are Rock Stars! 


  1. congrats Rachel!! you are #1 :)

  2. Congrats! -- and love the photo!

  3. Good job. Keep on going, one day someone will create a sitcom based on the content of your blog. You have talent.

  4. Awesome news! It's your consideration for your readers that keeps you on top (see the photo!)

  5. 3rd is really really good!!! Congratulations :-)

  6. Parabéns, vc merece seu blog é muito maneiro.

    Vc já pensou em transforma-lo em um livro? Depois de ler "holy cow: an Indian adventure" eu procurei por livros semelhantes mas se passando no Brasil... Cheguei nos blogs de ex-pats mas ainda nao tem nenhum livro...
