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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: St. Joseph and Real Estate (wordy)

Tomorrow I will go out to buy a St. Joseph statue. I forgot to do that while selling this apartment. Or course, I had saved the one my Mother had brought me when I was selling my old apartment. I honestly hope that St. Joseph is a forgiving saint as my child broke the head off that statue. I'll give it a go again. I think that St. Joseph would rather I bury him upside down instead of ignore him all together. Don't worry, I'll post the picture once he's down there, underground and upside down. Seeing that I'm in an apartment I may have to bury him in the front planter. I will put my apartment number on his feet, just in case.

For more information on this superstition check out Snopes.


  1. north side facing away....upside down.

  2. Make sure to dig him back up when you sell and move! I forgot to retrieve St. Joe at our last home in NC, and had to sneak back under the cover of darkness to retrieve him from the new owner's garden!

  3. Rachel,

    I love this, you sound like a true New Englander, are you sure you are not from Boston or Rhode Island!!! ;)

