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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Brazil 'Ketchup' Murder Tail

This is the only proof I need to show that White Trash is not just an American trait! Awesome and Hilarious! 


  1. Oh my god. These are very educated people, obviously.

  2. My husband was just telling me about this! How crazy. Obviously not the brightest crayons in the box...

  3. I don't know if it is nice to see that there is white trash all over the world or just sad ;)

  4. Just sad! Just very, very sad for humanity, it's all over the world. More then we would like it to exist.
    Check out Page Not Found ( and laugh away at other people's stupidity.

  5. I wanted to let you know that I heard this story on my local pop music station and I was laughing my ass off. That this story made Rochester, MN news. LOL
