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Monday, September 5, 2011

Blog Friends?

I had no idea that I'd actually meet people because of my blog. I had absolutely no clue that the rants that I would post could possibly help other people! The fact that you guys would seek me out to ask personal questions, or even just ask them in comments, is amazing to me.

I have connected with so many people via Rachel's Rantings that I can't understand why I didn't do it before. Maybe I wasn't in a good place. Surely I didn't have the grasp of the culture nor accept it as I do now. I also didn't get life, love, nor marriage, not that I necessarily get it now.

The thing is, we all reach out to each other in one way or another. While I may just be words on a screen, I do feel the things that are shared with me via comments, emails, or tweets. I just have to say that I am honored that you would choose to share with me. Screw reading my blog, you share your feelings. That takes balls!

I have always known I have awesome readers and anyone who has followed my comment area would know the same. Really, the comment section is usually the best part of the whole blog! But I just wanted to take a minute and thank you guys for being here.

I love being a part of your questions, debates, and comments. I love that I have such a random mix of readers. I really just like my readers in general! Seriously! The interaction on here is a shining star in the middle of the day.

Thank you! Thank you for reading, sharing, and coming back. Thank you for feeling free to contribute. This blog would be nothing without you guys! 


  1. thanks for sharing with all of us Rachel :) xoxo

  2. Man, I love that picture. It makes me think of Kip from "Napoleon Dynamite" and how he loved technology. Your blog is the bomb. My blog has blog envy. I goggle "Rachel in Rio Saci Mom" and "Rachel in Rio Medicine" at least once a month. Thanks for all that you share, and I hope to meet you in person some day.

  3. Rachel, can you please stop using pictures of me on your blog? I know I'm a work of art, but seriously.

    Anyway, I completely agree with you on this! It literally is one of my highlights after a long day of walking down catwalks and doing photoshoots to curl up and read all my Ameribrasileiros blogs! It makes me feel like a part of a weird little online family!

    And seriously, you rock. You have taught me so many things that will really come in handy when I get there to a Cidade Maravilhosa and Sao Paulo.

    I sincerely appreciate it!

  4. Thank God Alex owned up to that picture! You had us scurrying back to the archives to be sure we hadn't accidentally sent you a stray oldy but moldy.

    Rachel, you are so forthright that people can't help but feel like you're their best friend. You share. You rant. We know you even if you don't know us.

    This is the strange & fabulous thing about blogging (right now, anyway- things no doubt will change). It allows a very old-fashioned kind of connection that resonates with everyone (pen pals, anyone?) It's just taken a while for us all to put modern technology to traditional use, but it's been worth the wait!

    Looking forward to heading down in the New Year!

  5. Since we're owning up to pictures, I'll own up to mine (

    Thanks for the chat on fay-see-boo-key, my head is a lot less out of the sand now!

  6. wait a sec.

    "a lot less out of the sand". Perhaps not so much in the sand is best.

  7. You're welcome Rachel! I'm brazilian, live in Natal, but i just can't get enough of this blog, i chek it daily. It has so much diversity and points of view! It's also good to know the differences of living ways around the world, in his case, compared to mine. Keep on this good work ;)

  8. Your blog is my favourite because you're not afraid to share things and you always make an effort to be entertaining and funny - love the pics! And I see it as my mental preparation for one day moving to Rio...which kind of scares me!

  9. See you guys rock! Btw, I imagine that all of you look like that guy ;)

  10. Rachel,

    Imagine that I look like that guy but without any hair :)
    You know you are our "Madrinha" and love you!
    We can't get enough of your blog.
    You are authentic, creative, funny and smart and writes great posts.
    I look forward to meeting you in person.

    Love you!


  11. Rachel, your posts are so fun to read!
    When in Rio I surely would love to meet u!

  12. I want to meet all of you!

    And I know the perfect motel in Recreio to conhecer each other. Just kidding gente, I am sick in the head.

  13. Rachel you are fantastic!!!
    i wish all your expat friends were amazing like you!!

  14. Trust me give so much more to us than we could ever give back to you!

    Your blog is better than a book to read. Remember, I tell you that you should publish your blog AS a book...I would buy it just to have it all in one place in my hands. To read while I'm in the bathroom...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  15. Congratulations on your success Rachel. I think you are a talented writer and maybe it could be argued that other aspects of life fall into place, or at least improve, when a person finds their calling.
    I hope RRR gear will be available one day ( at least a t-shirt). I would love to buy one and you deserve to make some money from this. Anyway são meus dois centavos.
    To the other commentors regarding my constant presence in the comment threads: you're welcome.

  16. Your blog is great! As a Canadian about to move to Brazil for a while I find your blog incredibly helpful. I appreciate your honesty and humour a lot. Keep it up! :)

  17. Ditto to all above..I am always sending your blog to my family at home... its really fabulous and makes the world feel a bit smaller and I just luv your comment section!
