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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Starbucks Takes Down Another Country

I really never thought Starbucks would flourish in Brazil. I imagined Brazilians, on having their first sip of our watered down goodness, would throw their full cups in disgust. I mean really, their coffee and our coffee are like apples and broccoli.

Although I did get the fact that Brazilians like to buy American stuff. I think I could sell fake joke vomit like crazy if I just made it "American." Hate to break it to you but we Americans like to buy crap, and a lot of it. We also enjoy paying inflated prices. Go figure.

But I think I was missing the big picture. Starbucks also makes those big fru fru girly drinks like the Frappuccino (yes guys, it is a girl drink). Mochas, lattes, and all that stuff must be what are bringing the Brazilians in. While getting more common, they still aren't everywhere. It's a total habit forming novelty.

It also figures that they'd finally get themselves down here after I've already broken my Venti house coffee habit. Now I drink my cafezinho with a bit of milk. As Mr. Rant calls it "American Style"


  1. Carlos says buying a BlendTech and opening a little Frappucino stand would be popular. He has always said Brazilians would love it.

  2. I can image Frappucino and Iced coffes and that being popular in Brasil.. I wonder why these places like yogoberry or yogo sth. or the places you get fruit shakes do not sell it together with their stuff..

  3. So this made me laugh out loud! I'm new to your blog, and have been living in Brazil for 2 months now from the US (Ohio). As a recovering Starbucks JUNKIE I think about my tall, soy, white mocha (pumpkin spice now that its Fall!) every morning on my way to work....I guilty admit, I am happy to see its arrival...

  4. Starbucks is just wrong. Their world domination quest is even wronger. (and I know it's not really a word...)

  5. I hate to say it, but I LOVE Starbucks "fall" choices. Pumpkin Spice Latte, etc. That's the only time I drink anything from Starbucks.

    My husband on the other hand is a "reformed" Starbucks addict. I might add he became that way after spending a month in Italy. He came home and said "I can't drink that Starbucks garbage anymore." lol.

  6. Hi Nike. Glad you liked it :)

    Ah Starbucks, always opening up a discussion ;)

  7. Caramel??Pumpkin??? Starbucks should create a new flavour...ladyfinger biscuits, cream and, wait, I already exhists and it´s not´s tiramisu! Sorry folks, Starbucks may be yummy, but coffee it ain´t!

  8. Back when I was a baby beluga whale, I inhaled 15 raspberry and green tea frappucinos per day. I stopped doing that and I instantly shed 70 pounds. Not even a joke. I wish I were joking, really.

  9. I don't like Starbucks, no actually can't stand it, got addicted to Dunkin Donuts coffee when we moved to New England over 10 years ago. Starbucks is considered a sin here, it's worse than being a Yankee fan in Redsocks territory. :)
    I have serious Dunkin Donuts withdraws when I have to go to Los Angeles for work, they only have Starbucks around California, it drives me crazy.
    I also have a tough time in Canada with Tim Horton's, no Dunkin Donuts to be found north of the border :(
    HOWEVER, we LOVE, LOVE their HUGE mugs and I collect them from every different country I travel to, love my Starbucks mug collection, we use them to drink our delicious Dunkin Donuts home brewed coffee. :)


  10. Urgh, Starbucks... It's weird/sad that countries seem determined to import some of the worst from the west, often ousting their own good things in the process. Hmmm, or maybe I just never got into all the milky weirdness they serve up - I know so many people love it!

    Posting this link as a Starbucks comment, not being anti-American! (we cool? ;)

  11. @Ray- I just realized that I have only seen one Dunkin Donuts in the Los Angeles area ( I think it was South Pasadena). What a shame that is!

  12. Annon,

    Thank you! I know. We are always safe anywhere on the East Coast, from Maine all the way down to Key West and everywhere in between. When I leave the cozyness of the East Coast I always spot my one Dunkin Donuts to save my life. Dallas for example has only two Dunkin Donuts and I know exactly where they are. :)
    I love Pasadena. I might just drive to South Pasadena next time I am in Los Angeles, yeah, my withdraws are that bad ;)

