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Saturday, September 3, 2011

Virgin Vlogger

Please note that this will not necessarily become a constant thing, so don't be scared. That and I really hope my under eye circles really aren't that bad! Lighting and make up artist please...

And yes, I do need a better camera. 


  1. Like - like - Rocks - rocks!

    Very fun. Include the boys!

    It's good to take risks.

  2. Ha ha, very nice, I like it! I would be really embarassed to..can't even talk to answering machines!
    (maybe talk a tiny bit slower next time)

  3. Ahhh it! you should do it more often!

    And thanks for the push to get up and start cleaning MY house...I was feeling lazy today but now I'm in the cleaning mood..LOL

    Tell me again how I'm a dirty American...go motivates me! hahahaha

  4. Ha! I love it.
    It was awesome to hear your voice!
    You look great by the way.
    I don't blame you with the mop situation, that always got me too.
    Have a great Saturday!!!!


  5. You've inspired me...I might do it, too!

  6. Glad you all liked it! Jennifer, you should totally try it! Vicky, you are so right. I talk fast normally so when nervous I go a mile a minute. Shay, go clean your house! ;)

  7. how cute!! keep Vlogging!!

  8. Your vlog rocks...awesome job!

    My wife has the broom-rag thing mastered and she just uses regular non-opening rags - I don't know how she does it. Even back in the states, I bought one of those industrial size shop mops for the house but she still insisted on doing the broom-rag method.

    You are such the pioneer - keep vlogging!

  9. OMG - you touched on the Brazilian invention I LOVE to HATE - the rag on the rodo. It just baffles me how Brazil, which has developed the most advanced was to drill for oil in deep water, cannot invent a decent mop!! My rag ALWAYS falls off my rodo, no matter what I do.

  10. This is great. Adds a very personal element to your blog. Good start!

  11. You are adorable and brave! Regarding the pano saco, or whatever it is called (and for me too, it always falls off every few swipes) there's another thing to consider, one that was just brought up to me this past week. My son has bad allergies and we went to an Allergist and she advised NEVER to use a dry broom, only use a pano humido (broom with a wet cloth over it), because as you said, living here, the dust, the dirt, and we leave our windows open 24/7 too, and pretty much every day, out of nowhere comes a wind and poof, dust on every surface. Using a dry broom kicks up all of the dust instead of capturing it. I guess it is obvious but now it clicked for me. I support panos!

  12. And one other thing, BAB mentioned, I had never heard of a rodo before (which is a giant squeegee) but after an ankle deep flood in half of our house due to a faulty laundry machine hose, in panic I went to the Porteiro and with my flapping hands and crazy Portuguese he was responded "Precisa um rodo!" Important word to know.

  13. Hi Rachel, I really liked the video version. Very good to have a different approach to your site. Maybe you could post a video once a week. I have to say I really enjoy your written posts because it is a written record and I can go back ( like I have been) and re-read some of them. Keep up the good work.

  14. I have a rodo and I actually have a special foam squeegee type broom substitute for people with allergies. Oh yes, my cleaning options are so chic and cool ;)

    Jimm, Glad you liked it and I think it's really cool that you go back to posts! :)

  15. ahahahah. a vlog about cleaning. you're a nut. i find it quite funny that i just came here to read your blog becuase i JUST got all the cleaning stuff out to clean the &$%^&%*(@*^ floors with yes the squeegee broom and nasty rag. i use clothes pins to keep the damn rag on. what would have been brilliant for this one was if you had your kids in the background mucking up the floor while you talked about cleaning it! ;) hehe

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. My floor-rag secret:

    1) Put the rag on the floor

    2) Put the rodo on top of it in the middle

    3) Flip the "inside" half of the rag (the one closest to you) over the rodo

    4) Flip the "outside" half of the rag over the rodo, which is already covered by the inside half

    It does not fall off!!! (it will if you switch the order of #3 and #4, though)

  18. Cool, a Saturday edition of Friday Hotties.

  19. Awesome! I talk fast when I get nervous too, which you probably saw at the Taste of Rio and thought I was a freak, lol. Glad it's not just me!

    Loved the vlog! You are braver than me, although I'd love to video my husband so I can show you all what he sounds like. Hmm, I think I'm brave enough to vlog the shit out of other people!

  20. jim wants to bang you

  21. If you are talking about the Jim above, he's gay
