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Saturday, September 10, 2011

Vlog: Introducing Capt America


  1. Awesome! OMG, I would love to see the line of Brazilians lined up in front of the American flag...that would be HILARIOUS! LOL

  2. Rock on! you are evil!! And your baby will have a fabulous party!

  3. How perfect is that?! Can't wait to see those photos. You HAVE to frame one big photo to give the in-laws so they'll have to put it up on their walls at home. Hee hee.

  4. Awesome! This is a great theme!
    I love the idea of the large American Flag as a back drop for the pictures ;)
    It will certainly go down in history as a memorable birthday party!!


  5. Big smile at this - your little Captain America is going to look so adorable!

  6. brazilians birthday party are great!

    the U.S. flag will theme with the party well.

  7. "Awesome! OMG, I would love to see the line of Brazilians lined up in front of the American flag"

    Shay that is another character: Consulate Man. He never really made the top ten list of super heroes down here. Captain America on the other hand is very well liked ever since I can remember. This thanks to the comic strips, and despite American Tv and Hollywood: both have butchered the glorious Cap in the past.

    The review starts reveals this. It starts a bit slow but soon turns hilarious. For brevity watch from 4:24 to 5:24. So funny, poor Captain America. I hope Rachel does him proud.

  8. Have a great party! A nice touch would be to invite this man to do magic tricks:

    Just kidding (how well does sarcasm and irony translate to Brazilians?)

  9. Thumbs up! I can't wait to see the photos!

  10. LOVE IT! and you werent the only one to find it funny.I did too!
