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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ipads in Public... in Rio de Janeiro?!

Ipads on the Subway in Rio de Janeiro? Times are changing...

Would you use your ipad on mass transit in Rio?


  1. Luiz had a guy try to snatch his gold bracelt off his wrist while he was getting on the bus a couple days ago...

  2. My Brother-in-law had his cell snatched out of his hand in Copacabana, while he was talking on it.

    I don't use anything on the bus. I'm more comfortable on the metro, though not that comfortable. Not that I even own an ipad...

  3. Of course... I do it all the time. I work on the metro on my ipad or Laptop, and take it to the beach to. No issues... I just ask people around me to watch my bag when I go for a swim.

    Only time when I had someone trying to rob me was in New York... Rio isn't the bad and dangerous place it was years ago anymore, at least when you move around in Zona Sul (Especially Ipanema/Leblon). People just keep living in the past to much.

    Ps And even when they steal it. It's cheap, buy a new one. But never let it change the way you live.

  4. I like the not compromising they way you live concept :)

  5. Cheap however, I can not say I agree. Worth fighting for if in a situation, cheap enough ;)

  6. Not a chance in hell. I grew up in Rio, and learned pretty quickly to hide all valuables when in public.

  7. Giovanni, you're joking right? iPads are cheap are they? R$ 2.600 for a decent spec according to the Apple Store. Sure, I sometimes find that down the back of my sofa ;)

    Also, why do you take your iPad/laptop to the beach?

  8. These are well off kids. If they get stolen, papi give them a new one. In the meanwhile, every day people get screwed. As for being cheap, again, another disconnect from the Brazilian elite to reality. Screw the poor, as long as they,the elite, can afford...

  9. Estacio has been giving them out to students, supposedly, though I don't personally know anyone who has gotten a "tablet."

    I did see a big group of kids once get on at the Estacio stop and all pull out their tablets on the metro. I guess the theory is safety in numbers, though I doubt they'd do it in the street.

  10. On the subway I would. City buses, HELL NO! Unless it was a frescão.

  11. Wow, that's unusual! Last time I visited NYC it surprised me to see so many laptops, iPads, iPhones, personal DVD players, etc. being used on the subway - I remember thinking, "That would never fly in Brazil." I do use my Kindle on the bus, but sparingly.

    In Israel, I occasionally saw people using laptops on the STREET at 10 PM! Imagine!

  12. NOT...EVER! And that's coming from a brazilian. Those kids are nuts. They are practically asking to be robbed.

  13. Personally, I enjoy not taking my tech stuff out (aside from my phone). It's freeing to enjoy where you are at :D

  14. @Tom Still cheap for something great... but budget is an individual thing of course. Besides, I'm flying every so one months to the US, so buy my stuff (read gadgets) over there. Ipads come cheap in the UK to...

    I work while I'm on the beach. I get brain-dead if I have to sit still to long without anything to do, would get brain-dead if I would have a 9-5 or office job to ;) .

    @anonymous Why would people who have the money live shitty lives to? Most of them offer jobs to the mid-low class and thus money on the table.

    Live your life keeps being the rule here. Never adapt it because of an imaginary danger. Just don't use them on the street during night time ;)

  15. @Giovanni It is not a sin to make money but how you make and spend is a sin. The bottom line is that the Brazilian elite make their money at the expenses of the lower classes.

  16. That's a big no no in my book, not anywhere. Maybe in a few decades, who knows.
    And by the way, by how anonyn up here thinks should be a spread out thought, you'll see laws stating how one should spend their money the "right" way, after all the government knows best what's best for you, isn't that just brilliant? I just hope I'm dead by then ;)

  17. On the metro is ok ..I wouldnt do it on the bus .
