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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Best Goals of 1982!

Mr. Rant was totally into this youtube video of the top 11 goals of Brazil's 1982 team. I'm not going to pretend to even know what that team was about because I was 2 years old at the time. But enjoy!!

Pretty Damn impressive though! 


  1. I loved the "run and gun" style of the older Brasilian teams. My biggest question about the team of today is, how will those hair styles hold up when watching the video 20 years from now?

  2. "I can’t remember if I cried
    When I read about his widowed bride,
    But something touched me deep inside
    The day the music died."

    -Don Mclean-

    Summer of 82, I was dumped by my first childhood sweetheart and a genius Brazilian side failed to win The World Cup. God I miss that team.

    One more vid, just for the Z-man.

  3. So I clicked on the video, and almost immediately my boyfriend looked over and said, who is that, Zico? He is by no means a die-hard soccer fan, and he was 3 at the time. Being born on the South America continent gives you a whole bank of soccer knowledge through osmosis or something. Oh, and I kind of love the short shorts.
