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Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nudity, Sex, and a Love Revolution

Mr. Rant recommended that I read a certain article from Trip Magazine. It is one about love, sex, nudity, and community... That is a community of love, sex, and nudity with all involved.


Ok, not really. And that is not what they are about. No, not at all. Open your minds people.

This group in Sao Paulo consists of 7 people, 2 men and 5 women. They are trying to save the world via their free love and by stopping the hypocritically limiting definition of relationships that we have today.

Alfredo, or Alfreedom as he likes to be called, said this about his group:

"For many people it is difficult to understand that this is not a surubão (orgy or communal love if you will). It looks like an orgy but we have a collective bond of love. And that's the most important thing. Of course in the middle of this kind of situation forms an amoreba that is more sexual, more horny here or there. But there's no rush. It's all very natural. "

By the way, Amoreba is their own very special Portuguese play of words. It's essentially an amoeba of love (a ameba do amor).

Is it just me or are free love people kind of corny? Alfreedom? Amoeba of love? I'm guessing they aren't just lying naked in the grass but may be smoking a bit of it as well.

Anyway, I get it. Free love is pretty awesome, especially when the guys have nice flat stomachs and the girl perky breasts like in the picture posted with the article. The ratio is also pretty good with 5 girls and 2 guys. Plenty of free love with plenty of new free love options.

Of course let's step away from the teasing for a moment and look at it with fresh eyes. There is a part of the article where the group discusses nudity. Marcela, one of the ladies of the group, talked about her first group swim at a waterfall. They all stripped down to their birthday suits and dove in. She hesitated. She thought about her body, their bodies, what they would think, etc. Then she realized it was all in her head. No one was judging her.

That stuck with me. It would be a wonderful world if we could just accept how we are naked. We are all different shapes, sizes, and colors naturally. Why is that a reason to judge?

That got me thinking about their entire concept of free love. They aren't saying that people should occasionally lock themselves in rooms with groups of random people and get down. That's way more 70s anyway. They are talking about communal living. I understood it that at any given moment we need a different kind of love and are capable of giving a different kind of love. Their group allows for more freedom of expression in terms of feelings, needs, desires, and closeness. You are not dependent on one other person for all you needs as the other person is not solely dependent on you.

And in theory I can totally understand open relationships. We are monogamous by societal standards and the world as a whole shows a constant struggle with that. Love also is not solely based on sex and yet we control it like it is the key to Pandora's box.

I suppose in a mutually supportive community sharing sexual partners among your group is not a big deal at all. Of course I would prefer if everyone in my group got tested first. Oh damn, showed my square side. I'm totally out of the group now.

What do you think of think of the free love "relationship" this group of 7 has? Would you be capable of doing it?

As for me, maybe in my 20s or if I were single without children in my 30s. Dare I show my super socially acceptable side, I don't know how this would work with children. Constant nudity, Mommy and Daddy sleeping with people they'd probably call Aunty and Uncle, and a lot of naked hugging...

Don't get me wrong though, I'm not judging! The principal thing they say is that they are all about the cuddles and care in the form of touching (or carinho in Portuguese).

Mind out of the gutter again people.

They are a group about acceptance of the human body, human nature, and of who you are as a person. Free love. There may be something to that.

It is a Love Revolution! 


  1. Ha ha - Alfreedom! What are the girls called? Sarahonesty, tRuth and RayChill? ;)

  2. I wonder if these people have a common foot fetish since an amoeba reproduces via MYTOSIS.

    God I'm good.

  3. I'm all for communal living but I don't think I could do communal "loving"...especially not after two children. They wouldn't want this body to participate so I wouldn't have to worry..LOL

  4. In theory, yes. In practice, no way in hell. This has way more to do with my personal preference for privacy than any judgement of the lifestyle. I just really don't like being stuck with other people constantly. Call me a loner, a hermit, a recluse, but I find myself much happier with my alone time in tact.

  5. I am so old I recall watching Woodstock.....on the evening news.

    I have met people who lived in Haight Ashbury during the Summer of Love, they said it was great while it lasted (a matter of months?) but in the end it was a failure. For a variety of reasons, one being basic human emotions. It is not an easy thing to be in a "free love" environment, inevitably for some it becomes "free love....with only me" and that is the end. It takes an extraordinarily self confident person of high self esteem to live in an open relationship. Usually, those end up with one person in the "open relationship" and the other sitting it out or with a very obvious string tied around their ankle so they don't wander too far.

    STD's and AIDS also dampened the spirits of those who might have thrived in a sexually open environment.

    I think free love is best left for the weekends and spring break. In a group context, having to answer the question, "who's your daddy" creates even more issues.

  6. Wait, it's not normal to bang all of your friends? What am I missing here?
