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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Check Me Out

I posted over at Expat Focus today. Go read all my opinions and thoughts on Christmas in Brazil. No, it's not going to be sappy. Don't you know me at all!

A Brazilian Christmas...Without The Trimmings!


  1. Loved this! It's my first Christmas in Brazil and I have been complaining/thinking about some of the same things. I just hope I don't cry at the family Christmas party too... but I could see it happening. I'm on strike from listening to actual Christmas music.

  2. I don't know how you do it. I spent two Christmasses in Palau and Santa wore shorts. SHORTS! And flip flops. With his big Santa jacket. It was always so different... so "looks somewhat like Christmas on the outside but does not feel like Christmas on the inside". And then last year we were in Brazil for Christmas. I thought it would be OK because we spent a good part of the season in America, but when Santa showed up on the night of the 24th and then Christmas morning was literally spent on the beach, I tried, tried, tried to be ok with it, but it was so different, and I missed my family in a way I hadn't missed them since I first moved away to college -- living abroad time included. I guess if it happens year after year you get used to it, but luckily for me, my husband and his family agree that Christmas is better in America. New Year's Eve on the other hand... give me a warm beach with loud and happy people over beating pots and pans together in the cold ANY YEAR.

  3. Christmas used to be really tough for me. I have made a huge effort to make Christmas day as Christmasy as possible now that I have kids. Of course my first one here sucked. WEll, not that it sucked because it was great but it made me homesick in a way I have never been before. We also spent Christmas day at the beach. It was so weird.

    C, I totally do not listen to American Christmas music in RIo normally because I get all sad. This year will be different though as my parents are coming!

  4. Here in London it's freezing, we are all sneezing and coughing with seasonal flu so at the moment the fact that in exactly a week we will be catching a plane to Rio does not make me feel bad at all!!! But I think I know what you all mean, Xmas for me has always been a cup of mulled wine and some panettone warm from the oven...let's see what this Carioca Christmas will bring. I am really genuinely curious... Rachel, any good hints on sights/events for families with small kids in Rio over Christmas/New Year's period?

  5. The beach is a must. If you have time, and a reservation, you should drive out to Buzios. It's an ADORABLE beach town and Geriba beach is great for kids. You'll find that the water in Rio is quite rough. Not the case in Buzios.

    You can take them to the top of Sugar Loaf, great view and cool ride up. There's also the walk around the base of sugar loaf where they are likely to see monkeys. Jardim Botanicos is awesome for kids and has a good park. Parque Lage doesn't have a great park but has cool stuff to look at. There's CCBB downtown (the center of Culture of the Bank of Brazil). There's also this little island, I need to remember the name, that you take a ferry to and no cars are allowed. Very cool stuff.

    How old are your kids? Little guys or a bit older?

    feel free to drop me an email: I can try and send you all kinds of suggestions.

  6. I dont think u need to worry about extra calories!! you look very slim!

  7. Thanks for the tips Rachel...I know Buzios as SIL lives nearby. The car free island seems really cool, will tell husband, he will probably come up with the boy is 14 months old, too young to appreciate some things but still we like to consider him as much as we can in our holiday plans x
