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Thursday, December 1, 2011


For starters, I'm still technically without internet. Thankfully my new building has a free lan house for residents. I get to come, get my fix, and also get to watch preteen mating rituals. Fun for the whole family.


I hate Etna, the furniture company. They caused a mini drama at my place on Monday by not showing up. When we called they informed us that the truck was sitting there all day waiting for the last piece of our ordered furniture and it got too late for delivery in Zona Sul. Apparently their phones only work one way. In the end they showed up ridiculously late on Tuesday and only managed to put together the bedroom closets (still thank goodness for small favors!) and left us with even more boxes in the living room. Going with their own flow, they can only come back Saturday to up together the living room shelving. Not a pain in our ass at all...


Not only did Etna screw me that way, they also screwed me in another way. I'm just going to let the dirty jokes leave your mind before I finish... I don't know if I have mentioned on this blog how Mr. Rant and his family consulate the phases of the moon before doing anything big. If the moon is out of phase everything will go to shit. Seriously, I was asked to plan my births around it. You could say that they take it pretty seriously. Of course seeing that I am a stubborn person I made an executive decision that we would buy the furniture even though the moon was out of course. And look what happened! Damn you Etna! The phases of the moon are going to control me for the rest of my life!


So now that we have gotten rid of half of our unneeded belongings, minimalists anyone, we have somewhat of a home. I even threw away the old antibiotics I was saving in case of a zombie apocalypse. How many of you guess that one was about me? As a celebration, I decided to take advantage of building perks. Did you know my place has a sauna with a dive in enterance to the pool? I think I had a mini orgasm the moment I saw it. Best yet, very cute cougar bait as eye candy! Not a bad way to relax at all.


Last but not least, it is finally December! I don't know what is going on in Rio de Janeiro because I can usually tell the month by the amount of sweat vacating my body. These days it's much more of a September/October level. Hell, I just may wear pants out this evening! So if any of you out there do not believe in Global warning pay attention, my sweat glands are telling you otherwise.


So that is all for this ranter today. As I do not have internet, nor a computer set up, I am going to be inconsistant at best. We did talk to our internet company and should have it by now. My favorite part of that experience was that they told us we had to make an online payment before we could get our internet switched over. Of course we were calling because we do not have internet and they neglected to switch it as scheduled. Irony anyone?


  1. Ya, ya...too bad, all that..., about this cougar bait: in the sauna, or just the pool area? God, we love Rio!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Rachel, when I'm homeless in Rio can I live with you?

    I'll clean the house in a sunga if you want.....

  4. I moved (in several phases) last month. I am not so sure I overcame the trauma of it, cause we placed part of the furniture in a wagon and pulled it with the car (yes, several trips). Lots of stuff are in the "old house" btw. Yep, we still didn't sell the old one. Having two mortgages is a very tough thing.

  5. Not rich at all. We actually downsized and there are thousands, yes thousands, of people who live here. The condo fees are actually cheaper than at my old place! Amazingly nothing gets that full!

    Alex, too small of a place for a live in man servanr but I will keep it in mind in the future ;)

    Anita, by cart?! You are my hero! Would love a guest blog post on that one!

    And I am a cougar compared to his early early 20s ass (please God let him not have been a teen!) Shame on me ;)

  6. Mr. Rant walks in as Alex the houseboy is cleaning the kitchen.

  7. One of my favorite scenes! Man, I've missed you guys!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Thanks so much for the video Gritty. I really appreciate it. -_____-

    I don't know if I should say abracos this time,

  10. Rachel, enjoy your new digs. You and Mr. Rant work very hard to have a nice life here, and having a nice life here can really be a challenge in so many ways. I think a great many have no idea what it costs to live a pretty "normal" life here, and I don't mean privileged, I mean normal, like having a condo with some activities for your kids, or like budgeting for groceries which pretty much drain the wallet every month...when a package of Skittles is a splurge. You better enjoy that pool! I am jealous!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Housewarming party coming up (can´t figure out the question mark on my new Portuguese keyboard - sorry) - let us know! Can´t wait to see the new place (and the cougar bait!)

  13. I feel your pain with the internet problems! That's a shame to with Etna. I have been watching their commercials and was becoming very intrigued with their products. Then again, I've heard several horror stories about other furniture places and deliveries.

  14. Jim: Totally coming up! Once we get our furniture put together ;)

    C: I think it happens often enough. I went to small claims court and talked to a public lawyer. Seems people like me come in fairly regularly...
