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Friday, January 14, 2011

The Tall and the Short of it: What's Sexy to You?

I've been wandering around the web looking at information on height. I have no idea what awoke this current curiosity. Then again, who knows why I wrote an entire post about penis size.  I guess the mind just wants the information it wants.

Anyway, I'm a fairly tall girl, about 5' 10" (1.78m), and I have only dated a man that was significantly taller than me on 1 occasion.  The second occasion does not count.  Seriously, 2 dates and I had to sneak in a shot to get me through the last one. Nothing to be posting about on my blog.

So, height isn't necessarily a trait I consider when deciding the level of attractiveness.  It just never has been.  Don't get me wrong, a tall-drink-of-water of a man does get almost automatic points for the aw factor.  Those 2 dates are proof of it.  But I'd never refuse to consider someone just because he was my height.

But it really is a thing for some of you out there. The idea of your man not being taller is unacceptable.  You just don't feel like a woman, or so I've heard from some friends.

And apparently it goes both ways, only the opposite.  Men like their ladies a little smaller than them.  While that sounds obvious, I can't really say I'm buying it.

In my experience, I get a lot of short men barking up these legs.  I don't know, maybe short men have larger balls, future post, and thus hit on women more openly.  Maybe I'm not as attractive from up high. Maybe I should pay more attention to how I part my hair.

Who knows, but I found a little ditty of a graph I liked. Heights men find more attractive:

5.41% (4)
17.57% (13)
55.41% (41)
21.62% (16)
6.76% (5)
1.35% (1)
0% (0)
12.16% (9)
4.05% (3)
1.35% (1)

Significantly shorter than meShorter than meA little shorter than meAbout my heightA little taller than meTaller than meSignificantly taller than meDon't usually pay much attention to height in this contextHave never thought about itIt's hard to say

Shocker.  Thank goodness I'm already married because my dating pool in Brazil just dropped to about 3 men.  Then again, I think a Brazilian man will do just about anyone.  Do not date... At least it's something.

And another shocker, we women have our preferences too:

0% (0)
0% (0)
1.01% (1)
12.12% (12)
37.37% (37)
46.46% (46)
10.1% (10)
11.11% (11)
8.08% (8)
1.01% (1)

Significantly shorter than meShorter than meA little shorter than meAbout my heightA little taller than meTaller than meSignificantly taller than meDon't usually pay much attention to height in this contextHave never thought about itIt's hard to say

In my personal statistical opinion, we ladies are still giving you men a little more wiggle room.  A little taller than me could be pulled off with a pair of Tom Cruise pump/loafers purchased at about any shoe store.  But to play fair, both sexes seem to prefer the obvious woman shorter than man, and not in a dramatic way.  

Personally, my husband is about my height, maybe an inch or so taller.  Of course, he counts that inch and I really don't care.  When I put my big girl shoes on, I win, so there. But it's not a contest, and I do find him very sexy at the exact height he is.  But out of curiosity... (you guys so saw this coming)  

Where do you stand?  How important is height for feeling the ZA ZA ZOOM?   


  1. It's not the height of the tower, it's the swaying motion in the wind. ;-)

  2. I will have to say that I fall into the typical generalization pool of women that like a man who is much taller than she.
    I'm only 5'2 so that pretty much means EVERY man is taller than me! haha
    But I personally like men who are much taller than me. Like a minimum of 5'10 and above.
    I just love the feeling of being wrapped up in a tall man's arms. I feel very protected and safe. But that's just me. I've dated all types and this is just my preference.

  3. Rachel, you're not 1.55m, I am 1,55 m. You're probably 1,77m or smth... And to answer your question, anyone is taller than me, so never had to worry about that.

  4. I prefer taller, always. Tall, dark and handsome, a cliche but so true in my case.

  5. Rachel, how can you be tall with just 1m55 ?
    I have never dated guys who were shorter than me, never would. My husband is far taller.

  6. My bad! Miscalculation! I'm 1m77. oops :)

  7. It's funny because I have a friend who prefers her men about an inch or two shorter than her. I have no idea why, but she has always been attracted to shorter guys...maybe it's a control thing...or illusion of control, I should say.

  8. Prior to marriage, I have had them tall and I have had them petite. It does not really matter as long as they fit (define that as you will).

  9. Nicole Kidman likes her man gorgeous but short... it'd take that as well.
