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Friday, February 25, 2011

Going to the Rio de Janeiro 2011 Carnaval Parade!

Guess who's going to watch the official Carnaval Parade!! YAY ME!

So a good friend got me a ticket to join her in one of the prestigious Carnaval Camarotes (private boxes)!  Can't you see me in my snazzy Camarote tank drinking chopps with other Parade enthusiasts. Well, I can't go as far as calling myself an enthusiast but I am close.

You see, this is my first time going to the parade! I have never walked in or gone to watch.  I just always figured you get a better view on tv. Well, you do unless you have box seats! Ok, now I'm gloating like a classic douche. You must forgive me, I'm just very excited!

And it's good for you guys too as I will do my post Carnaval Wordless Wednesday all about this Carnaval Camarote experience.

Of course I'm not going to one of the ones funded by beer companies; those are for the rich, famous, and rich and famous.  It doesn't matter though. I'm not a fame whore and wouldn't recognize any of the Brazilian ones anyway. Except for Gisele, of course.

It would be quite funny to get a picture with her. 


  1. That's great! I've never gone either and I can't wait to hear your play-by-play. Camarote no less! My biggest wish for you on that day is to get a nap in. Have fun!

  2. I worked at a Brazilian restaurant this summer, and I am DYING to get to Brazil! And carnaval! jealous

  3. Rachel,

    This is such a great opportunity!!!
    I would love to go watch the parade from one of the private boxes. Clean exclusive restrooms, nice seating areas, A/C, catering service...this is the way to watch the Rio Carnaval Parades :)
    I can't wait to hear the details...

  4. I have to say, I'm pretty damn excited about the bathrooms!

  5. You lucky duck you! It must feel like finding a pot of gold. Enjoy!!

  6. Say hi to Gisele for me! :-)

  7. wow very wondering this pic.. good job i like it
