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Friday, February 25, 2011

Sick Boy

Today my oldest is sick. No free day for this Mom. I debated if my fever free pre-schooler really needed to stay home today.  Then he napped. That was a huge sign for me.

So we took the now better toddler to school and I carried my 300 ton pre-schooler back to our apartment.

The entire walk, I kept having flashbacks of the last time he was actually sick.  I had sent him into school when I was torn.  He was kind of cranky, maybe fever-ish, but had no real symptoms.  He didn't even complain about going!

A few hours later he had a fever at school.  It spiked on the walk home and he had a grand mal seizure in the stroller (that is until I got him out and laid him on the ground). Of course I had forgotten my cell phone, had no money on me at the time, and was alone with both him and my then 1 yr old.

It was an interesting day.

I was thinking all about that day during the short walk home. I now always keep either one of the boys home when in doubt.

We finally arrived home and crossed the threshold of our apartment.

I put my 4 year old down.  He promptly grunted and vomited 3 times right in front of the door.

I had never been happier to see vomit. A tummy bug, something totally different from last time.

Now if you excuse me, I have the urge to go mop the floor again.

By the way, he's feeling much better now. 


  1. It is one of the wonderful benefits of being a stay-at-home Mom, you really know your kids VERY well and when something's's super-obvious to you, but maybe to no one else. I'm so glad he's feeling better. It's scary when then get sick, you just want them to be super-normal and fine asap!

  2. Glad to hear he's feeling better. It is never fun when little ones get sick but the worst seems to be past,thankfully. And I agree with Stephanie, being a SAHM affords us the chance to know our kids inside and out, we can tell when even the slightest thing is off!
